Saturday 18 February 2012

Exotic extravagance

In total contrast to yesterdays dinner this one became a labour of love and took quite some time to prepare. My boyfriend and I were meant to be going out to a new Indian restaurant but unfortunately he's come down with a bad case of 'man flu'. Naturally I was disappointed but decided to cook myself an Indian-inspired meal anyway.

Intrigued by Monica Shaw's article on savoury pancakes I was particularly interested in the recipe for besan cheela. I didn't have any ground coriander or ajowan but I did pop in some asofateda in its place.

Looking for something to go with these I reached for my 'Green Seasons' cookbook by Rachel Demuth. I'd been meaning to make the !Indian spiced chickpeas for a while so I cooked up a batch, luckily I had all of the ingredients to hand. Knowing that I was going for an Indian theme I'd picked up a mango when I went shopping earlier and made some of Janifer's fresh mango chutney as well as some khadi (spiced yoghurt dip) - recipes for both of these also in 'Green Seasons'.

An awful lot of effort for a dinner for one but everything complimented each other and my initial disappointment at being home alone disappeared. The meal was rounded off with a slice of wheat-free, gluten-free, cake that I made this afternoon along with a very large cup of tea

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, this plate looks delicious! It's been a long time since I've eaten anything besan cheela-based, and now I'm craving it! x
